A British businessman was shot dead in his Porsche at the parking lot of a sports club in Pattaya on Tuesday by lone gunman.

A British businessman was shot dead in his Porsche at the parking lot of a sports club in Pattaya on Tuesday by lone gunman.
van websiteontwikkeling kun je geen Cayenne rijden(daar zijn er daar al genoeg van),ik las in bovenstaande url ook dat hij zich waarschijnlijk ook met boilerroomactiviteiten bezig hield.
Post is bewerkt op jan 25, 2017, 8:28 a.m. door Anna2
Pats verveelt nooit al kom je er jaren
Er is een verdachte die wellicht vergeten is zijn facebook pagina te verwijderen :
zo te lezen had die engelsman aardig wat narigheid op z n kerfstok
Post is bewerkt op jan 26, 2017, 5:34 p.m. door Anna2
Pats verveelt nooit al kom je er jaren
Pretoria – He is from Wellington in the Western Cape, attended school in Orkney, North West, and is fluent in English, Afrikaans and Portuguese.
In addition, Abel Bonito Caldeira, 23, is now an international fugitive after a British web designer was shot dead in his luxury car in Thailand.
Tony Kenway, 39, was shot dead on Tuesday in Pattaja, just after getting into his Porsche.
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